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Economic Ideas & Issues



Course Code & Credit

ECN 203 / 3 Credits

Economic Ideas & Issues

Transcripts & Certificates

Syracuse University



Course Code & Credit

ECN 203 / 3 Credits


“Chocolate or vanilla?” “Rent or buy?” “Support a strong or weak dollar?” Our lives—from the micro and personal to the macro and political—are consumed by choices.

How and why we make choices—and the consequences of them—is the subject of ECN 203.

This course examines Western economic thought by starting with a one-person society and asks how this person makes choices, especially when other individuals are introduced and resources become scarce. Our journey leads us to the complex, industrialized society we live in today.

In ECN 203 you will …

• Learn how micro and macro economic theory affects our personal lives.
• Investigate the role governments play in creating and solving global economic challenges.
• Become a more engaged citizen by gaining a better understanding of financial policy.Introduction to African American Studies

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